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About Emily Remmel, JD

Emily Remmel, JD
Legal Editor

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Emily J. Remmel, JD, is an environmental legal editor for BLR’s environmental publication team. Remmel focuses on stormwater regulations, NPDES permitting, CERCLA, USTs/ASTs, and brownfields. Before joining BLR®, she clerked for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Boston and the Environmental and Natural Resources Legal Clinic in Vermont. She holds a JD and Certificate in Water Law from Vermont Law School. While in law school, Remmel was the editor-in-chief of the Vermont Journal of Environmental Law. In addition, she received a BS and MS in Zoology from the University of Oklahoma, where she researched freshwater ecology and invasive species. She is a member of the American Bar Association as well as the New Hampshire Bar Association and is licensed to practice law in New Hampshire.

Recent articles by Emily Remmel, JD

  • The unease of environmental e-reporting

    It’s easy to get uneasy about e-reporting. Not many people in the regulated community look forward to reporting site-specific information to state or federal agencies. However, the reporting must be done.

  • Stormwater: Who is a 'qualified' person?

    In the world of stormwater, certain “qualified” professionals have hefty responsibilities, such as conducting facility inspections, monitoring, and developing and certifying the stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP). But, what does it really mean to be a qualified professional?

  • Evaluating your UST system after a flood

    After severe flooding or a storm like Hurricane Matthew, UST owners and operators must evaluate their tanks before putting them back into operation. These evaluation steps are practical measures intended to prevent subsequent accidental releases, ensure safety, and protect public health and the environment.

  • Communication: Tips for (construction stormwater) compliance

    At the 2016 StormCon conference, stormwater professionals sought information on how to better their respective stormwater programs and to teach others the hard lessons learned. One simple concept stood out the most—the importance of basic communication.This article focuses mainly on construction stormwater, but the tips can be readily applied to all stormwater programs as well as to other industries.


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Claim Your Free Copy of Recordkeeping for EHS Managers

One of the most tedious aspects of an EHS manager’s job is to keep track of a host of records. Laws have been passed in every jurisdiction requiring facilities to produce and retain records of various kinds. Don’t get caught without the necessary records in the event of a surprise EPA or OSHA inspection! This special report shows EHS managers at a glance the records they must keep on hand and for how long.

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This special report contains a recordkeeping checklist to help you keep track of your records for major environmental laws and OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard.

Also included are 3 useful tables which provide:
  • A summary listing of federal environmental recordkeeping requirements
  • A list of federal safety recordkeeping requirements.
  • A list of federal recordkeeping requirements for DOT and the Department of Homeland Security as they apply to hazardous material transporters and chemical facilities.
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