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September 24, 2008
EPA published October 2007 proposed amendments to the SPCC regulations. Have these been finalized? The amendments make reference to Tier 1 facilities and an SPCC Plan template. What is the definition of Tier 1? Is the template available?

EPA has not finalized the October 2007 Proposed amendments to the SPCC regulations. Comments to the proposed rule were due by December 14, 2007.

Under the proposed rules, Tier 1 facilities are those with no individual oil storage container with a capacity greater than 5,000 U.S. gallons up to an aggregate of 10,000 gallons. If the proposed amendments are adopted, Tier 1 qualified facilities will have the option to complete the self-certified SPCC Plan template in lieu of a full SPCC Plan. All other qualified facilities will be designated Tier II qualified facilities, and will be required to create and implement a full SPCC Plan.

A finalized copy of the template has not been released. However, the proposed template may be viewed in Appendix G in the Federal Register notice concerning the proposed amendments.

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