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Air - General
National Summary
The federal Clean Air Act (CAA) was enacted in 1970 because of increasing concerns over the quality of the nation's air. The CAA was amended in 1977 and 1990. Simply put, the purpose of the CAA is to protect and improve the nation's air quality, the stratospheric ozone layer, and the public's health. Through the CAA's various mandates, the United States has seen the quality of its air greatly improve over the past few decades.
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 3415 items in 86 pages
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 52 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Delaware; Attainment Plan for the Philadelphia-Wilmington Nonattainment Area for the 1997 Annual PM-2.5 Standard 09/19/2013National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 55 - Outer Continental Shelf Air Regulations Update To Include New York State Requirements 05/20/2022National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR Part 52 - Air Plan Approval; California; San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District 02/25/2021National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR Part 52 - Air Plan Approval; Virginia; Revision 12/15/2021National
Final Regulations 40 CFR Part 52 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plan 04/01/2024National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR Part 60 - Review of Standards of Performance for Automobile and Light Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations 05/18/2022National
Notices Integrated Science Assessment for Oxides of Sulfur 05/10/2013National
Proposed Regulations 20 CFR 52 - Air Quality Implementation Plans, Virginia 05/21/2014National
Notices 2012 Fall Joint Meeting of the Ozone Transport Commission and the Mid-Atlantic Northeast Visibility Union 10/26/2012National
Notices 2013 Annual Meeting of the Ozone Transport Commission 04/30/2013National
Notices 2017 and Later Model Year Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards 11/15/2012National
Notices 2024 Workshops To Obtain Input on Initial Draft Materials for the Integrated Science Assessment (ISA) for Oxides of Nitrogen--Health Criteria 09/10/2024National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 52 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Removal of Consumer and Commercial Products Rules 07/03/2013National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 52 - Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans; Idaho; Regional Haze Progress Report 07/15/2019National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 55 - Outer Continental Shelf Air Regulations; Consistency Update for Maryland 01/04/2024National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 1, 21, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 147, 374, 707, and 763 - Regional Office Address 10/31/2024National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 1037, 1039, 1042, 1068 and 49 CFR Part 535 - Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle and Nonroad 08/16/2013National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 1037, 1039, 1042, and 1068 - Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle and Nonroad Technical Amendments 09/12/2013National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 1039, 1042, and 1068 - Nonroad Technical Amendments 02/06/2014National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 1054 - Control of Emissions From New, Small Nonroad Spark-Ignition Engines and Equipment 09/28/2023National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 1065 - Engine-Testing Procedures 03/14/2019National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 1068 - General Compliance Provisions for Highway, Stationary, and Nonroad Programs 06/26/2020National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 1068 - General Compliance Provisions for Highway, Stationary, and Nonroad Programs 09/20/2024National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 1090 - Extension of Effective Date for Removal of Gasoline Volatility Waiver for Ohio and Nine Counties in South Dakota 03/20/2025National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 1090 - Reformulated Gasoline Covered Areas 10/12/2023National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 1090 - Request From States for Removal of Gasoline Volatility Waiver 03/06/2023National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 1090 - Request From States for Removal of Gasoline Volatility Waiver 02/29/2024National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 124, 260, 264, 265, 270, and 271 - Revisions to Standards for the Open Burning/Open Detonation of Waste Explosives; Extension of Comment Period 05/16/2024National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 180 - Approval of Louisiana's Request To Relax the Federal Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) Gasoline Standard for the Baton Rouge Area 10/24/2018National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 190 - Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear Power Operations 02/04/2014National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 2 and 51 - Revisions to the Air Emissions Reporting Requirements 09/14/2023National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 2 and 51 - Revisions to the Air Emissions Reporting Requirements 10/12/2023National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 2 and 99 - Waste Emissions Charge for Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems; Proposed Rule 01/26/2024National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 2, 59, 60, 80, 85, 86, 87, 600, 1027 et al - Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards; Extension of Comment Period 05/03/2022National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 2, 59, 60, et al. - Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles: Heavy-Duty Engine and Vehicle Standards; Final Rule 01/24/2023National
Final Regulations 40 CFR 257 - Alabama: Denial of State Coal Combustion Residuals Permit Program; Final Rule 06/07/2024National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 257 - Alabama: Denial of State Coal Combustion Residuals Permit Program; Proposed Rule 08/14/2023National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 35 - Clean Air Act Grant: Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District 07/03/2014National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 35 - Clean Air Act Grant: South Coast Air Quality Management District; Opportunity for Public Hearing 03/18/2013National
Proposed Regulations 40 CFR 35 - Clean Air Act Grant: South Coast Air Quality Management District; Opportunity for Public Hearing 03/18/2014National